April 29, 2024

Music and emotions

3 min read

The sounds of music will not leave anyone indifferent. Some melodies cause goosebumps, others cheer up, others cause tears. Let’s talk with EKmixmaster about how much sounds affect a person and literally change his emotional world.

Sounds penetrate deep into human souls, causing a variety of moods: joy, sadness or threat. All over the world, music is considered a universal language in which you can speak to people without words, and they understand this conversation.

According to neuroscientists, this is due to the fact that sounds refer to the so-called brain stem, and even before consciousness turns on.

Loud sounds, such as screaming, drumming, discordant howling melody, we associate with something threatening. We do not even have time to think about how this noise affects our body. The first reaction is an increase in heart rate, and this is no accident. This is how nature intended. After all, our distant ancestors, who lived by hunting and gathering, had to instantly respond to loud sounds that usually signaled danger. Their life depended on the speed of this reaction.

However, according to the same doctors, sounds also activate other areas of the brain. For example, those that are responsible for feelings such as longing or sadness.

In addition to directly affecting the autonomic nervous system, music also affects the memories stored in our memory. If a person listens to some music while traveling, in the future he associates it with those pictures that he could see during his trips. It can be majestic mountains, a boundless blue sea, green meadows dotted with flowers. Physicians call this phenomenon episodic memory. That is, a person associates a certain

music with episodes from his own life.

No matter how far science has advanced, not all questions about the interaction of the music of the senses have received unambiguous answers yet. That is why this area of ​​research is so popular these days. A whole army of specialists is working in this direction. These are psychologists, and ethnologists, and sociologists, and physicians, and neurologists. More and more research is being carried out that can help unravel the mystery of sounds.

In the meantime, scientists are working to get answers to all questions, marketers are already using the connection between music and feelings with might and main. For example, it has been observed that French chanson in a supermarket inclines customers in the drinks department to purchase a bottle of wine, leaving them indifferent to beer. And the loud music playing in the bar encourages visitors not only to order more drinks, but also

drink faster. Athletes are also influenced by music. So, while jogging or doing fitness, peppy melodies evoke stimulating emotions in a person. And the physical activity itself, which is accompanied by music, is perceived as much less stressful. The most useful songs, according to https://ekmixmaster.com, are those that have a frequency of 120 to 140 beats per minute. Athletes who move in this rhythm even increase their performance.

Medical professionals have long discovered the potential of music for patients suffering from ailments such as dementia, tinnitus, depression or chronic pain. A person with dementia, for example, can recognize songs from their youth, even though they don’t even remember their age or where they live. Psychotherapists use music to work with their patients. With the help of music therapy, stress hormones, the perception of pain, and feelings of anxiety can be reduced.

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